Klaus Kinski - Weblinks

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Hommage an Klaus Kinski by Martin Mengele

Great frames site in German. Includes biography, filmography, theater appearances, publications, source list, and a guestbook.

old homepage logo

K2, the creature is sly (The complete guide to Klaus Kinski) by Dan Taylor / Exploitation Retrospect (The Online-Journal of Junk Culture and Fringe Media)

Great site in English. Includes a filmography with extensive reviews of (currently) 23 Kinski moviers. There are more articles by Dan Taylor and there is also a Klaus Kinski message board!

Klaus Quarters [ex-Klaus Quarters (The Kinski project)] by KWest Productions [ex-Lorneworks]) - kinski@xoommail.com

This site is collecting the nominations for the yearly Klauskar Awards... also there are links to find internet shops where you can buy Kinski movies and movie posters. Sez the keeper of this site: "I am an uncompromising bastard. May Klaus have mercy upon my soul, even though I truly do not deserve it!" I mean to be honest: just Fuck You! Who invited you?

The same guy is also maintaining Klaus Kinski - The Kinski Files (KWest Productions [ex-The Complex])

Klaus Encounters by Kip Blount

Offers English written information and a cool intro page.

Kinski by rtocah

This site offers 10 complete MP3 files of Kinski recitations in German: Dostojewski's "Der Traum von Raskolnikoff" plus 9 African poems (but no Villon). Also offered is a Windows sound scheme with Kinski's voice! (just click the running letters at the top of the page to download)

Ingo's Klaus Kinski Homepage by Ingo

This site is mainly a collection of links and however, it was the only fan site dedicated to Klaus Kinski when I started my own site in mid-1997.

Weitere Seiten

Wo man Kinski-Material kaufen kann


Make your own searches for Klaus Kinski in some of the internet's most popular movie guides. In some of these guides you can start boolean searches (e. g. "klaus AND kinski"):

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