Rolling Stones - Songs

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  • "Fannie Mae" (Buster Brown) - also covered by the VIPs; NDR-Mitschnitt Ende Okt. 1966 (album "The complete VIPs")
  • "Mercy mercy" (Don Covay) - also covered by the VIPs (album "The complete VIPs")
  • "Straight down to the bottom" () - also covered by the VIPs (album "The complete VIPs") produced by Jimmy Miller

  • "Backstreet girl" kommt im Film Undercover Ibiza (2007) von Klaus Lemke vor
  • "Street fighting man" wird am Ende des Films "V wie Vendetta" angespielt
  • "Sister Morpine", "Moonlight mile" und "I got the blues" kommen im Film Rocker (1971) von Klaus Lemke vor