Screamin' Jay Hawkins/Old guestbook

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The following guestbook entries all stem from the original guestbook that once was installed at the first version of my Screamin' Jay Hawkins site at and which properly worked from January 1999 to December 2000. Nothing has been excluded, I have just corrected some orthography and omitted some empty entries.

12 August 2006

Date: 12/21/00 23:23:57
Name: robin -
Comments: oooh ya

Date: 12/11/00 02:46:07
Name: Freddy - <email></email>
Comments: Beautiful Site! - Jay was just fantastic! - I love good singing - like opera from Albani to Zenatello - really dig the great Russians (Nelepp, Koslovsky) - on the R&B side there's so many including the late Johnny Adams - Jay could hold his own with the fe select opera greats, Paul Robeson, and Joe Williams - that's pretty fine for one man to do! - I hope there's more recordings lurking for release.
best wishes
Freddy -
ps - hope some of those kids get his voice!!!

Date: 10/19/00 21:41:33
Name: Stephen Parker - <email>jmquinn52@hotmail</email>
Comments: Someday Screamin' Jay will come rearing up out of his own coffin and start singing "I Put A Spell On You"

Date: 10/12/00 02:12:00
Name: BC - -
Comments: When is someone going to make a film of his life?
We're still having a JAY loaded night at least once a month.
He's still the best!

Date: 10/11/00 17:28:03
Comments: MORE, MORE, MORE, info on Blues Legends is needed, to set the record straight about popular music, and the people who truly inovated it!

Date: 10/06/00 20:38:07
Name: Carl -
Comments: I'm trying to track down a copy (recording, mp3, whatever) of constipation Blues. Can anyone help me?

Date: 10/05/00 19:00:05
Name: rune anjou -
Comments: guess he have recorded one of the absolute most true bluesstorys I've ever heard.
The "constipation blues".
Unfortunally some one has stolen it from me and it is impossibly to find the record in Sweden.
Any tips?

Date: 08/17/00 21:55:10
Name: Daniel Roberts -
Comments: I introduced his quality to many, all now love him. My favourite track was his ditty about Amy Fisher on "Something Funny Goin' On".
Back in 1999 I managed to play "Stone Crazy" as a guest on hospital radio. God knows what the patients thought?!

Date: 08/16/00 11:07:25
Name: ghoul boy -
Comments: cool site, i just recently got to hear some jay hawkins and i like him alot, im gonna get that greatest hits album!

Date: 08/05/00 19:54:47
Name: Danielle Testa - astr0chic@MediaOne.Net
Comments: Hey WAD up!! I likke your site it was cool!! I LOVE David Boreanez!! I'm glad to see that I can find out a lot about him, more than I already know

Date: 07/29/00 17:04:15
Name: Chaz Brackx -
Comments: I saw a mau-mau kissing santy clause.

Date: 07/25/00 23:43:12
Name: John Materson -
Comments: great site

Date: 07/16/00 05:59:13
Name: Angel - langel0143@
Comments: Happy BIRTHDAY Old Friend. This is the first time in 44 years I don't have a address or phone number to reach you. Knowing you as I do, I know you will get this message. John sends him love. We miss you as only we can. love always. Angel

Date: 06/22/00 23:49:15
Name: Brett Ridel -
Comments: All I've got to say about Jay's talent is "brush your teeth with a piece of a goose toenail". Now, how could it get any better than that!

Date: 06/15/00 19:25:32
Name: gerry kuffner -
Comments: old fan of his he was 'very interesting'

Date: 05/29/00 17:39:44
Name: Rob Durkee -
Comments: Hi! I'm interested in buying all of Screamin' Jay Hawkins' CD's that are available. Do you have a list and prices (plus songs included on each?)
Thanks, R

Date: 05/28/00 00:18:58
Comments: I'm very glad that someone has decided to honor the late "Screamin' Jay Hawkins" on the Internet. Does anyone know if his widow lives in the United States or France? Please advise if her whereabouts are known.

Date: 05/14/00 10:49:18
Comments: Love him. Thanks. RIP.

Date: 04/27/00 17:42:36
Name: Jennie B.
Comments: Screamin' Jay? Gone? Why do I even bother to get out of bed in the mornings? I'm going to miss that man...

Date: 04/26/00 03:09:51
Name: William Hopkins -
Comments: Thank you, Jay. May you rest in peace.

Date: 04/22/00 23:18:47
Name: Miguel Tost -
Comments: He deserved better,
He was unique,
He will be remembered very fondly.

Date: 04/17/00 23:30:50
Name: Kerstin Lang -

Date: 04/16/00 17:42:14
Name: Argent Loner -
Comments: Screamin' Jay was a one of a kind performer. We will miss him dearly, but his music will always be remembered because he is still an inspiration to all of us in spirit.
Rest In Peace Screamin' Jay. We love you man...

Date: 04/08/00 23:13:38
Name: Fernando "Pelos" -
Comments: Salvaxe inseminador de Rock'n'Roll, deixa miles de fillos contaxiados polo Voodoo maxistral desa mente fantásticamente perversa. O feitizo durará máis de dous mil anos nesta terra de meigas onde o Atlántico pintanos as praias de Blues.
Gracias eternas por ter existido.

Date: 04/07/00 17:40:28
Name: Larry Stroud -
Comments: Got out first Screamin' Jay album, Cow Fingers & Mosquito Pie, in December. Wish we had discovered him earlier. Larry Stroud and Rockin' Luke LeWolfe Stroud (who plays piano like Jerry Lee Lewis).
Very sad to hear of Jay's death.

Date: 04/06/00 06:56:07
Name: artediva
Comments: OH YES !

Date: 03/28/00 23:36:14
Name: George
Comments: I watched Hawkins last performance in Athens... I will never forget you Jay. Your music will live on for ever... You put a spell on us, and we loved you...

Date: 03/25/00 23:45:21
Name: Mark (London UK) -
Comments: Would anyone be able to provide me with a copy of LITTLE DEMON on minidisc? I'd be happy to trade you anything from my collection of r'n'r, swing and pop.

Date: 03/15/00 09:12:46
Name: Lee Angel -
Comments: On Feb 12 00 I losed A Lifelong Friend. I so sorry that his fans will never know Jay the way I did. my last call from him was two days before he pass. I will miss you Jalacy. And all our won magic times over 44 years.

Date: 03/15/00 04:38:13
Name: Screamin' Jay Jr - -
Comments: I'm not really your son but I wish you would pop up outa that coffin one more time feed Henry a couple packs of cigs and adopt me! I just can't believe your really gone man. Jay, I'm gonna miss you man! You were the wildest craziest fucker to ever scram the blues and that is saying a lot. Your influence on Joe Gro and the Meaningful Ooze (with burning Sensation and special guests Painful Discharge) is profound to say the least. We owe you a lot for whatever the hell it is that we are. I know I speak for a lot of your fans who say God Bless you Screamin' we love you!!!! We are going on the Screamin' Jay memorial tour until you either come back to life or we go completly nuts. Err wait we ARE nuts.
We Love U Jay! - Screamin' Jay Jr aka Jay Sic & the band aka Ray Cummer, Wally Smegma, Jim Hall, SuperStar Jones, Uggh Lee and Zippy Rarebite, Mr X and whoever else shows up for rehersal.

Date: 03/09/00 23:40:02
Name: Terry Allen -
Comments: Jay, you enriched my life with your music and your soul. You lived your 70 years to the fullest and I will always honor your memory.

Date: 03/09/00 20:11:39
Name: mike crumpton -
Comments: i had the pleasure of meeting screaming jay at a show he did in santa cruz california in the mid 1980's... i am very saddened at the news of his death...he put a spell on us all.

Date: 03/05/00 12:05:21
Name: Wolfman Palmeby -
Comments: Mr Hawkins always blew me away and like most artists I like he was sort of a mystery to me. Records of his was hard to come by over here in Sweden and info even more so. Needless to say - my appreciation only grew by this.
When my wife woke me up with the words "Screamin' Jay Hawkins is dead!" I was devastated. More so than I thought I would be.
I miss you, Mr Hawkins, but voodooheaven sure will be a fun place when you get there!!

Date: 03/04/00 21:41:29
Name: Andy
Comments: Gutted.

Date: 03/04/00 17:07:54
Name: Mike Dowling - -
Comments: Great page!

Date: 03/03/00 23:38:56
Name: Greg Wahl -
Comments: Sad news about Jay -- glad I got to see him in Chicago a few years back. Strangely, this is my first visit to this site, and a minute after I logged on, the Bryan Ferry version of "I Put a Spell on You" came on the radio. Spooky.

Date: 03/02/00 17:11:52
Name: Laurent -
Comments: I had the chance to see you live in a small town near Valence. It was two years ago and it was a wonderful performance. It was hard to believe you were just a man so it's hard to believe that you died!

Date: 02/27/00 03:36:06
Name: Alex Talpalar & Andrew Maydanik
Comments: We've just known and we are crying about you

Date: 02/24/00 21:46:11
Name: manu
Comments: J'avais un reve: voir Screamin' Jay en concert, admirer le fond de ses entrailles.
Screamin' Jay est mort et c'est moi qui m'étiole et me fane.
Gloire au barytonnisme hurlant!

Date: 02/24/00 01:39:29
Name: jonas karlsson
Comments: i'm sorry never seen you in real life

Date: 02/23/00 12:43:34
Name: Jeanette Jennings -
Comments: First Curtis Mayfield, now Screamin' Jay...How are we suppose to move into the new century without our visionaries?

Date: 02/22/00 19:05:44
Name: daniel johnston -
Comments: wonderful site
the 4th best bluessinger is not with us any more

Date: 02/20/00 15:24:44
Name: Pierre -
Comments: A big loss and sad news to hear about Jay passing away.
I remember playing Alligator wine on a show at a radio station I was invited to in Switzerland in the mid'60's. The song was stopped in the middle by a director of the station screaming (!) what the hell of music is this, we are not in a circus! That was fun!

Date: 02/20/00 13:27:53
Name: Jaume -
Comments: Now everybody is in grief for his death. We have to be together to make our pain more endurable.
Keep on rockin' in the free world!

Date: 02/19/00 20:32:49
Name: pete gold -
Comments: will be sadly missed.Thanks to Stu Colman for the live interview many years ago on london radio.

Date: 02/18/00 14:48:33
Name: jalacy -
Comments: dear 'JAY,
Our hearts are broken, full of tears and sadness, and evil flatulences,
rest in peace, see you soon and keep us a place in heaven.
18 february 2000
two disapointed souls,
Joachim J and Dave D

Date: 02/18/00 06:51:59
Name: jan balyon
Comments: his music will stay in my hart
he was performer/creater/musisian/screamer/
i remember him and don't forget

Date: 02/17/00 16:23:18
Name: Brenda -
Comments: This past weekend was a sad one. First, reading the last "Peanuts" comic strip in the newspaper brought tears to my eyes. Later, hearing Charles Schulz passed away late Saturday was even more heartbreaking. Then I read in the paper about the death of "Screamin' Jay" Hawkins, one of my favorite recording artists from the 1950s and 60s. No, it was not a good weekend at all. I'll be sixty next month, and have learned to appreciate opera and concert music since the years when I was a teenager. How ever, it seems only yesterday that I was listening to Elvis Presley sing "Heartbreak Hotel", and other great songs,when I was sixteen. During that time, I was lucky enough to go to New York City to see and hear "Screamin' Jay" Hawkins, the Platters, Coasters and oters perform on stage. I played their records, along with those of Chuck Berry, over and over. Timegoes even faster as we get older. A few years ago, I put "I Put a Spell On You" and "Little Demon" on audiotape and brought the tape to the office where I worked. The other women there, all much younger than I, agreed that the songs were great, though they'd never heard of them or "Screamin' Jay" Hawkins before. Here's a copy of a "letter to the editor: I've e-mailed to our local newspaper.

To the editor: It was very sad to read in Sunday's newspaper that "Screamin' Jay" Hawkins has passed away in Paris. In the article about Mr. Hawkins, you neglected to mention one of his biggest hits: the flip side of "I Put a Spell On You", called "Little Demon". As for "leaving out some of the groans" on "I Put a Spell On You", I'm a child of the fifties and neither I nor anyone else I knew thought the song referred in any way to "cannibalism", as stated in your article. (This may possibly apply somewhat to "Feast of the Mau Mau" or another later song). "I Put a Spell On You" was, to us, simply a "cool" love song. I was lucky enough to enjoy Mr. Hawkins performance on stage in New York City, at the Paramount Theater and the Apollo in Harlem, during the 1950s. He was also in at least a couple of movies ("American Hot Wax" and "Mystery Train", for example), which are now seen occasionally on television. Unfortunately, an appearance he made on the "BET" television channel was over just as I turne d on the TV. I wrote to the station, explaining I'd missed Mr. Hawkins on the show, and asking them to invite him to return. He was a wonderful entertainer, with a great sense of humor in his work. Mr. Jalacy "Screamin' Jay" Hawkins will be truly missed by those of us who heard his great record hits back in the fifties and sixties. My sympathy and condolences are extended to his family and many other fans of any age. We're the poorer for his passing. He was even an early advocate of non-smoking, as he'd say "You know smoking's bad for you - look at Henry", while showing the audience his prop skull "Henry" with a cigarette in its jaws, during his stage show. From a true fan, Brenda,in Florida.

Date: 02/17/00 02:27:24
Name: Late-comer -
Comments: I never even heard of you until you passed away away this week, and my mother told me a little about you. She hooked me up to this sight, and I can't believe I missed you on this planet! You made an impact, man. I'm gettin some of your music.
Peace to you, and strength to your family.

Date: 02/16/00 19:59:42
Name: Dan - -
Comments: Comments?

Date: 02/16/00 19:56:54
Name: Dan -
Comments: Screamin Jay was a good friend that will be greatly missed. I have a few good stories to tell about him and hope to share that some day soon along with a complete (authorized by Jay) RARE concert video filmed in San Francisco in 1989.
I'm in the process of all the copyright and legal "Mumbo Jumbo". Be patient and perhaps sometime soon I will be able to share this treasure with everyone!!!

Date: 02/15/00 15:36:41
Name: Roosevelt Ridgeway

Date: 02/15/00 05:25:45
Name: John Stauffer -
Comments: Screamin Jay, The BEST that ever was!! A real shame so few know his music and talent.

Date: 02/14/00 23:22:16
Name: C. Neil Scott -
Comments: a fine addition to the "i've just left the planet" orchestra. your vibrations will live on...

Date: 02/14/00 18:41:53
Name: brian -
Comments: goodbye jay! i'll miss you. the world will be even more insane because you're gone. i feel lucky that i got to see you play live. i checked the cleveland live website today, and there was no mention of your split from this planet! can't believe that they didn't even report the death of one of cleveland's most important native sons. in any case i'm going to tip a glass of alligator wine tonight in your memory.

Date: 02/14/00 04:14:48
Name: G-SPOT -
Comments: Goodbye, Screamin' Jay. I'm going to rent a copy of Mystery Train.

Date: 02/13/00 23:48:40
Name: Rayondo
Comments: RIP

Date: 02/13/00 04:57:07
Name: chuck hecht -
Comments: I will always remember Screamin' Jay Hawkins one of the founding fathers of rock & roll. I had his 45rpm of "I put a spell on you, cause your mine"!! Somehow it got lost and John Fogerty revived it. I remember how Jay came out of a coffin singing that song! I'm a 50s Kid and will always be. Whever you are Jay I'll look you up in the next life!

Date: 01/30/00 20:15:23
Name: The Ancient One - -

Date: 01/27/00 17:48:13
Name: jorge F.monteserin -
Comments: Screaming jay hawkins es un puto genio y no hay nadie equiparable a el ni por asomo.Tiene una de las voces mas personales e impresionantes que he oido en mi vida.Si no entendeis el español lo siento pero tambien teneis que aprender otros idiomas que no sen el ingles al igual que yo me esfuerzo en aprender vuestra lengua.

Date: 01/24/00 12:11:11
Name: François et Michèle -
Comments: We are looking forward to meet you, Screaming Jay Hawkins ! We've walked all through Levallois Perret, but we couldn't find you. We'd like you to come in Arras, where we live.

Date: 01/19/00 14:13:53
Name: lakisha
Comments: you need a little more stuff on the site but its okay thans alots

Date: 01/15/00 03:42:26
Name: Doug Blake -
Comments: Screamin' Jay is the coolest, the all time coolest

Date: 12/26/99 04:26:19
Name: Ric - -
Comments: I had read about the music of Screamin Jay (1975) before I ever heard it. After I bought the single of "SPELL", I vowed to collect everything Jay had ever done. Now, 25 years later, I have an enormous collection of his material - some very rare stuff, of which I am very proud. I had the pleasure of meeting Jay in person when he toured here in Australia in the late eighties - even got a couple of my albums signed - we spoke about a number of subjects for just over one hour. The man himself in a gent leman, cultured, sophisticated and very eloquent. He a great entertainer, and a solid gold original in a world of bullsh*t clones.

Date: 12/21/99 23:11:57
Name: Rick Seibert -
Comments: Boy howdy, this is one of the best sites I've stumbled across in a while...."Stone Crazy" has always been one of my favorite Screamin' Jay songs, although it's hard to beat "The Whammy" and even harder to believe that the latter wasn't a hit!

Date: 11/26/99 03:00:25
Comments: D00 i cant believe it .. i found the hoodoo god
sup doo

Date: 11/17/99 23:16:19
Name: george & carla -
Comments: GREAT PAGE, Mike your page was the only page so far that had a midi clip if you want to really spice up the page let's upload the song (I PUT A SPELL ON YOU) if possible TO THE THE OPENING PAGE.
P.S. my MOM and Aunts use to play his music at the juk joints when i was a kid very nice work. uga uga (THANKS)

Date: 11/16/99 11:37:53
Name: Tony Borgosano - -
Comments: Nice to see a page dedicated to Screamin' Jay. I have added your site to my Links page.

Date: 11/11/99 04:37:44
Name: Bernhardt Geyer -
Comments: eat my balls screamin jay

Date: 11/09/99 18:48:19
Name: rick seibert -
Comments: I gotta say, one of my proudest accomplishments is turnin' my buddy Lucky McDaniel onto the squalid splendor that is Screamin' Jay.

Date: 10/26/99 11:39:45
Comments: El griton Jay ha escupido sobre mi, ya no me voy a lavar NUNCA!!!!

Date: 10/08/99 23:25:48
Name: harry -
Comments: I do have the original 45rpm record of "I Put A Spell On You" in my collection. If I recall it's on the Okeh label. The Okeh label is now owned by Sony Records.

Date: 09/29/99 03:24:14

Date: 09/22/99 17:50:18
Name: "all the good names were taken" smith
Comments: the inter-galactic war has been won.

Date: 09/22/99 03:39:54
Name: Dennis & Debby Dennison -
Comments: We love you Jay! Inspiration is an understatement! Besides your version, the best cover was Nina Simone doin I Put a Spell on You. We wish you well. Love, D&D

Date: 09/20/99 04:42:32
Name: Steve -
Comments: Thanks. Could not have gone to sleep tonight were it not for your sight. Steve

Date: 09/17/99 19:13:55
Name: Chris -
Comments: In search of BOOKS in which I can read more about Screamin' Jay Hawkins. Anyone know of any? Please email.....

Date: 09/15/99 23:21:29
Name: Philippe E. Marmara -
Comments: Hello, HELP!!!
I just drank so much Coca-Cola
that I feel full with gas
and I could surely play pianola
and the "Constipation Blues" with my ass!
Au revoir!

Date: 09/11/99 04:03:17
Name: Jim Boggess (Dino) -
Comments: A good friend from the past. Hawaii A young white kid in the navy meets the first black man he ever knew. I just got out of seal training school I met Pat and Jay my roommate was closer to Pat than I was. Well any way I have all way thought of Jay as a friend!

Date: 08/05/99 16:43:38
Name: josie -
Comments: If you know this kind of feelings you have when you're addicted by your own obsession; What I mean is a really pathological way to love or need someone one - a Passion stronger than love with someone in harmony ... "I Put A Spell on You" is the (only) authentic musical expression for these kinds of emotional nightmares!

Date: 07/11/99 18:12:30
Name: Buddy Blue - -
Comments: Just found this site while surfing. Nice job! God bless Screamin' Jay. Hey, where is he these days anyway? Haven't seen or heard hide nor hair of him since recording "Something' Funny" a few years ago...

Date: 07/07/99 16:17:44
Name: Screamin' Jay Jr. -
Comments: Woooeeeee! I like that version of I put a spell on you. Which is it??? Screamin' is the best!!!

Date: 06/09/99 08:45:51
Name: Rachel Klein
Comments: We here in Hawaii are making an attempt to contact Jay Hawkins. His daughter misses him and is interested in getting in touch, please, anyone with any helpful information please e-mail me at Thank you.

Date: 06/05/99 17:19:41
Name: Óllie -
Comments: Still a fan!! Sorry- I'm drunk. Nevertheless: Greetings & best wishes for you !! Ollie.

Date: 05/30/99 16:30:43
Name: Steve Harris -
Comments: One of the best ever. I really enjoy all his music.

Date: 05/29/99 20:29:54
Name: Robert Hawkins -
Comments: I'd just like to say, I really miss my great grandaddy, Screamin J...... He put a curse on me!!!!

Date: 05/21/99 11:40:02
Name: rita lawrence -
Comments: a fan for years!

Date: 05/20/99 19:43:55
Name: Marc - -
Comments: Great page, I just finished recording 3 albums from Jay to CD and since the sleeves are a bit large to scan, I thought I'd steal some of this page. I realy like the moving gif on the index page.
Keep up the good work !! I WILL VISIT AGAIN.

Date: 05/18/99 03:06:41
Name: peter "bug" reinert -
Comments: always loved screamin' jay!! constipation blues is the greatest recording of all time. glad to see that there's a web site for him.

Date: 05/17/99 19:16:43
Name: kent h -
Comments: great page for the voodoo lover, keep on screamin'
with the black hawk the white one is retired
rockin' ronnie<br> go canada go

Date: 05/16/99 21:32:31
Name: Andrea!!! -
Comments: Grande Screamin'!!!!

Date: 05/09/99 21:00:41
Name: d.v.harry
Comments: Nice picture.

Date: 05/08/99 20:33:05
Name: mike dakan -
Comments: where can i find out more about screaming jay
mike dakan

Date: 04/25/99 13:27:54
Name: Bert
Comments: Nice to see that there are still people outta here who know what a good voice has to sound like.
"I hung him up on a flagbone with a sign: don't mess with screming Jay"

Date: 04/20/99 19:06:33
Comments: oh yeah dat screamin demon is on da looooooose

Date: 04/18/99 00:54:54
Name: Dave B -
Comments: Trying to find SJH's record "I don't know why I love you but I do". Do you know where I can find?

Date: 04/08/99 23:31:35
Name: Steve -
Comments: Screamin' Jay is my role model in life.

Date: 04/05/99 23:33:47
Name: Jorge -
Comments: I have been a fan of Screamin' Jay ever since I was a kid at junior high. I got to see Jay at the now defunct Palomino club in N.Hollywood in '91. He now lives in France and the last time he was in the States was in '97 to play the Chicago Blues Festival. I hope to see him return one day... Long live the original WILD MAN!!!

Date: 03/31/99 23:01:14
Name: paul
Comments: cooool dude...

Date: 03/25/99 23:47:41
Name: king david -
Comments: Cyfareddol! but wappen to the version that goes:
"put a curse on you
turn all yo chil'ren
into junkies too"

Date: 03/23/99 23:23:17
Name: buddha -
Comments: I love his works and I love his musicstyle

Date: 03/19/99 06:52:04
Name: larry klickstein -
Comments: Would love to see him play in Los Angeles. Please inform me if he will be appearing here. Thanks, Larry

Date: 03/13/99 01:27:44
Name: Tickety BOO -

Date: 03/12/99 08:03:06

Date: 02/28/99 05:36:21
Name: ROZCO!!!!!! -
Comments: Being a huge OZZY OSBOURNE and BLACK SABBATH fan, I feel it is about time someone pays respect to the true creator of shock rock. Thank You for begining the process!!!!!!

Date: 02/17/99 04:13:56
Name: volker - -
Comments: Great GIF! Please come visit me at
Best regards,

Date: 02/14/99 22:17:07
Name: Brian Cohen - -
Comments: Hawkins is one of my all time favorites! It's great to find a page on the web dedicated to him, there are so few.

Date: 02/11/99 06:20:42
Name: Deanna Fogg -
Comments: Simply Delicious

Date: 01/21/99 11:20:40
Name: Cameron Mckechnie - -
Comments: She danced my heart
She danced my soul
She loved me four times that night
She danced with the passion of voodoo priestess
I know She was allllrriiggghhhht!


Be my Ice Cream man............

Date: 01/15/99 09:42:37
Name: kb
Comments: echt spitze deine seite!!!!

Date: 12/21/00 23:23:57
Name: robin -
Comments: oooh ya

Date: 12/11/00 02:46:07
Name: Freddy -
Comments: Beautiful Site! - Jay was just fantastic! - I love good singing - like opera from Albani to Zenatello - really dig the great Russians (Nelepp, Koslovsky) - on the R&B side there's so many including the late Johnny Adams - Jay could hold his own with the fe select opera greats, Paul Robeson, and Joe Williams - that's pretty fine for one man to do! - I hope there's more recordings lurking for release.
best wishes
Freddy -
ps - hope some of those kids get his voice!!!

Date: 10/19/00 21:41:33
Name: Stephen Parker - jmquinn52@hotmail
Comments: Someday Screamin' Jay will come rearing up out of his own coffin and start singing "I Put A Spell On You"

Date: 10/12/00 02:12:00
Name: BC - -
Comments: When is someone going to make a film of his life?
We're still having a JAY loaded night at least once a month.
He's still the best!

Date: 10/11/00 17:28:03
Comments: MORE, MORE, MORE, info on Blues Legends is needed, to set the record straight about popular music, and the people who truly inovated it!

Date: 10/06/00 20:38:07
Name: Carl -
Comments: I'm trying to track down a copy (recording, mp3, whatever) of constipation Blues. Can anyone help me?

Date: 10/05/00 19:00:05
Name: rune anjou -
Comments: guess he have recorded one of the absolute most true bluesstorys I've ever heard.
The "constipation blues".
Unfortunally some one has stolen it from me and it is impossibly to find the record in Sweden.
Any tips?

Date: 08/17/00 21:55:10
Name: Daniel Roberts -
Comments: I introduced his quality to many, all now love him. My favourite track was his ditty about Amy Fisher on "Something Funny Goin' On".
Back in 1999 I managed to play "Stone Crazy" as a guest on hospital radio. God knows what the patients thought?!

Date: 08/16/00 11:07:25
Name: ghoul boy -
Comments: cool site, i just recently got to hear some jay hawkins and i like him alot, im gonna get that greatest hits album!

Date: 08/05/00 19:54:47
Name: Danielle Testa - astr0chic@MediaOne.Net
Comments: Hey WAD up!! I likke your site it was cool!! I LOVE David Boreanez!! I'm glad to see that I can find out a lot about him, more than I already know

Date: 07/29/00 17:04:15
Name: Chaz Brackx -
Comments: I saw a mau-mau kissing santy clause.

Date: 07/25/00 23:43:12
Name: John Materson -
Comments: great site

Date: 07/16/00 05:59:13
Name: Angel - langel0143@
Comments: Happy BIRTHDAY Old Friend. This is the first time in 44 years I don't have a address or phone number to reach you. Knowing you as I do, I know you will get this message. John sends him love. We miss you as only we can. love always. Angel

Date: 06/22/00 23:49:15
Name: Brett Ridel -
Comments: All I've got to say about Jay's talent is "brush your teeth with a piece of a goose toenail". Now, how could it get any better than that!

Date: 06/15/00 19:25:32
Name: gerry kuffner -
Comments: old fan of his he was 'very interesting'

Date: 05/29/00 17:39:44
Name: Rob Durkee -
Comments: Hi! I'm interested in buying all of Screamin' Jay Hawkins' CD's that are available. Do you have a list and prices (plus songs included on each?)
Thanks, R

Date: 05/28/00 00:18:58
Comments: I'm very glad that someone has decided to honor the late "Screamin' Jay Hawkins" on the Internet. Does anyone know if his widow lives in the United States or France? Please advise if her whereabouts are known.

Date: 05/14/00 10:49:18
Comments: Love him. Thanks. RIP.

Date: 04/27/00 17:42:36
Name: Jennie B.
Comments: Screamin' Jay? Gone? Why do I even bother to get out of bed in the mornings? I'm going to miss that man...

Date: 04/26/00 03:09:51
Name: William Hopkins -
Comments: Thank you, Jay. May you rest in peace.

Date: 04/22/00 23:18:47
Name: Miguel Tost -
Comments: He deserved better,
He was unique,
He will be remembered very fondly.

Date: 04/17/00 23:30:50
Name: Kerstin Lang -

Date: 04/16/00 17:42:14
Name: Argent Loner -
Comments: Screamin' Jay was a one of a kind performer. We will miss him dearly, but his music will always be remembered because he is still an inspiration to all of us in spirit.
Rest In Peace Screamin' Jay. We love you man...

Date: 04/08/00 23:13:38
Name: Fernando "Pelos" -
Comments: Salvaxe inseminador de Rock'n'Roll, deixa miles de fillos contaxiados polo Voodoo maxistral desa mente fantásticamente perversa. O feitizo durará máis de dous mil anos nesta terra de meigas onde o Atlántico pintanos as praias de Blues.
Gracias eternas por ter existido.

Date: 04/07/00 17:40:28
Name: Larry Stroud -
Comments: Got out first Screamin' Jay album, Cow Fingers & Mosquito Pie, in December. Wish we had discovered him earlier. Larry Stroud and Rockin' Luke LeWolfe Stroud (who plays piano like Jerry Lee Lewis).
Very sad to hear of Jay's death.

Date: 04/06/00 06:56:07
Name: artediva
Comments: OH YES !

Date: 03/28/00 23:36:14
Name: George
Comments: I watched Hawkins last performance in Athens... I will never forget you Jay. Your music will live on for ever... You put a spell on us, and we loved you...

Date: 03/25/00 23:45:21
Name: Mark (London UK) -
Comments: Would anyone be able to provide me with a copy of LITTLE DEMON on minidisc? I'd be happy to trade you anything from my collection of r'n'r, swing and pop.

Date: 03/15/00 09:12:46
Name: Lee Angel -
Comments: On Feb 12 00 I losed A Lifelong Friend. I so sorry that his fans will never know Jay the way I did. my last call from him was two days before he pass. I will miss you Jalacy. And all our won magic times over 44 years.

Date: 03/15/00 04:38:13
Name: Screamin' Jay Jr - -
Comments: I'm not really your son but I wish you would pop up outa that coffin one more time feed Henry a couple packs of cigs and adopt me! I just can't believe your really gone man. Jay, I'm gonna miss you man! You were the wildest craziest fucker to ever scram the blues and that is saying a lot. Your influence on Joe Gro and the Meaningful Ooze (with burning Sensation and special guests Painful Discharge) is profound to say the least. We owe you a lot for whatever the hell it is that we are. I know I speak for a lot of your fans who say God Bless you Screamin' we love you!!!! We are going on the Screamin' Jay memorial tour until you either come back to life or we go completly nuts. Err wait we ARE nuts.
We Love U Jay! - Screamin' Jay Jr aka Jay Sic & the band aka Ray Cummer, Wally Smegma, Jim Hall, SuperStar Jones, Uggh Lee and Zippy Rarebite, Mr X and whoever else shows up for rehersal.

Date: 03/09/00 23:40:02
Name: Terry Allen -
Comments: Jay, you enriched my life with your music and your soul. You lived your 70 years to the fullest and I will always honor your memory.

Date: 03/09/00 20:11:39
Name: mike crumpton -
Comments: i had the pleasure of meeting screaming jay at a show he did in santa cruz california in the mid 1980's... i am very saddened at the news of his death...he put a spell on us all.

Date: 03/05/00 12:05:21
Name: Wolfman Palmeby -
Comments: Mr Hawkins always blew me away and like most artists I like he was sort of a mystery to me. Records of his was hard to come by over here in Sweden and info even more so. Needless to say - my appreciation only grew by this.
When my wife woke me up with the words "Screamin' Jay Hawkins is dead!" I was devastated. More so than I thought I would be.
I miss you, Mr Hawkins, but voodooheaven sure will be a fun place when you get there!!

Date: 03/04/00 21:41:29
Name: Andy
Comments: Gutted.

Date: 03/04/00 17:07:54
Name: Mike Dowling - -
Comments: Great page!

Date: 03/03/00 23:38:56
Name: Greg Wahl -
Comments: Sad news about Jay -- glad I got to see him in Chicago a few years back. Strangely, this is my first visit to this site, and a minute after I logged on, the Bryan Ferry version of "I Put a Spell on You" came on the radio. Spooky.

Date: 03/02/00 17:11:52
Name: Laurent -
Comments: I had the chance to see you live in a small town near Valence. It was two years ago and it was a wonderful performance. It was hard to believe you were just a man so it's hard to believe that you died!

Date: 02/27/00 03:36:06
Name: Alex Talpalar & Andrew Maydanik
Comments: We've just known and we are crying about you

Date: 02/24/00 21:46:11
Name: manu
Comments: J'avais un reve: voir Screamin' Jay en concert, admirer le fond de ses entrailles.
Screamin' Jay est mort et c'est moi qui m'étiole et me fane.
Gloire au barytonnisme hurlant!

Date: 02/24/00 01:39:29
Name: jonas karlsson
Comments: i'm sorry never seen you in real life

Date: 02/23/00 12:43:34
Name: Jeanette Jennings -
Comments: First Curtis Mayfield, now Screamin' Jay...How are we suppose to move into the new century without our visionaries?

Date: 02/22/00 19:05:44
Name: daniel johnston -
Comments: wonderful site
the 4th best bluessinger is not with us any more

Date: 02/20/00 15:24:44
Name: Pierre -
Comments: A big loss and sad news to hear about Jay passing away.
I remember playing Alligator wine on a show at a radio station I was invited to in Switzerland in the mid'60's. The song was stopped in the middle by a director of the station screaming (!) what the hell of music is this, we are not in a circus! That was fun!

Date: 02/20/00 13:27:53
Name: Jaume -
Comments: Now everybody is in grief for his death. We have to be together to make our pain more endurable.
Keep on rockin' in the free world!

Date: 02/19/00 20:32:49
Name: pete gold -
Comments: will be sadly missed.Thanks to Stu Colman for the live interview many years ago on london radio.

Date: 02/18/00 14:48:33
Name: jalacy -
Comments: dear 'JAY,
Our hearts are broken, full of tears and sadness, and evil flatulences,
rest in peace, see you soon and keep us a place in heaven.
18 february 2000
two disapointed souls,
Joachim J and Dave D

Date: 02/18/00 06:51:59
Name: jan balyon
Comments: his music will stay in my hart
he was performer/creater/musisian/screamer/
i remember him and don't forget

Date: 02/17/00 16:23:18
Name: Brenda -
Comments: This past weekend was a sad one. First, reading the last "Peanuts" comic strip in the newspaper brought tears to my eyes. Later, hearing Charles Schulz passed away late Saturday was even more heartbreaking. Then I read in the paper about the death of "Screamin' Jay" Hawkins, one of my favorite recording artists from the 1950s and 60s. No, it was not a good weekend at all. I'll be sixty next month, and have learned to appreciate opera and concert music since the years when I was a teenager. How ever, it seems only yesterday that I was listening to Elvis Presley sing "Heartbreak Hotel", and other great songs,when I was sixteen. During that time, I was lucky enough to go to New York City to see and hear "Screamin' Jay" Hawkins, the Platters, Coasters and oters perform on stage. I played their records, along with those of Chuck Berry, over and over. Timegoes even faster as we get older. A few years ago, I put "I Put a Spell On You" and "Little Demon" on audiotape and brought the tape to the office where I worked. The other women there, all much younger than I, agreed that the songs were great, though they'd never heard of them or "Screamin' Jay" Hawkins before. Here's a copy of a "letter to the editor: I've e-mailed to our local newspaper.

To the editor: It was very sad to read in Sunday's newspaper that "Screamin' Jay" Hawkins has passed away in Paris. In the article about Mr. Hawkins, you neglected to mention one of his biggest hits: the flip side of "I Put a Spell On You", called "Little Demon". As for "leaving out some of the groans" on "I Put a Spell On You", I'm a child of the fifties and neither I nor anyone else I knew thought the song referred in any way to "cannibalism", as stated in your article. (This may possibly apply somewhat to "Feast of the Mau Mau" or another later song). "I Put a Spell On You" was, to us, simply a "cool" love song. I was lucky enough to enjoy Mr. Hawkins performance on stage in New York City, at the Paramount Theater and the Apollo in Harlem, during the 1950s. He was also in at least a couple of movies ("American Hot Wax" and "Mystery Train", for example), which are now seen occasionally on television. Unfortunately, an appearance he made on the "BET" television channel was over just as I turne d on the TV. I wrote to the station, explaining I'd missed Mr. Hawkins on the show, and asking them to invite him to return. He was a wonderful entertainer, with a great sense of humor in his work. Mr. Jalacy "Screamin' Jay" Hawkins will be truly missed by those of us who heard his great record hits back in the fifties and sixties. My sympathy and condolences are extended to his family and many other fans of any age. We're the poorer for his passing. He was even an early advocate of non-smoking, as he'd say "You know smoking's bad for you - look at Henry", while showing the audience his prop skull "Henry" with a cigarette in its jaws, during his stage show. From a true fan, Brenda,in Florida.

Date: 02/17/00 02:27:24
Name: Late-comer -
Comments: I never even heard of you until you passed away away this week, and my mother told me a little about you. She hooked me up to this sight, and I can't believe I missed you on this planet! You made an impact, man. I'm gettin some of your music.
Peace to you, and strength to your family.

Date: 02/16/00 19:59:42
Name: Dan - -
Comments: Comments?

Date: 02/16/00 19:56:54
Name: Dan -
Comments: Screamin Jay was a good friend that will be greatly missed. I have a few good stories to tell about him and hope to share that some day soon along with a complete (authorized by Jay) RARE concert video filmed in San Francisco in 1989.
I'm in the process of all the copyright and legal "Mumbo Jumbo". Be patient and perhaps sometime soon I will be able to share this treasure with everyone!!!

Date: 02/15/00 15:36:41
Name: Roosevelt Ridgeway

Date: 02/15/00 05:25:45
Name: John Stauffer -
Comments: Screamin Jay, The BEST that ever was!! A real shame so few know his music and talent.

Date: 02/14/00 23:22:16
Name: C. Neil Scott -
Comments: a fine addition to the "i've just left the planet" orchestra. your vibrations will live on...

Date: 02/14/00 18:41:53
Name: brian -
Comments: goodbye jay! i'll miss you. the world will be even more insane because you're gone. i feel lucky that i got to see you play live. i checked the cleveland live website today, and there was no mention of your split from this planet! can't believe that they didn't even report the death of one of cleveland's most important native sons. in any case i'm going to tip a glass of alligator wine tonight in your memory.

Date: 02/14/00 04:14:48
Name: G-SPOT -
Comments: Goodbye, Screamin' Jay. I'm going to rent a copy of Mystery Train.

Date: 02/13/00 23:48:40
Name: Rayondo
Comments: RIP

Date: 02/13/00 04:57:07
Name: chuck hecht -
Comments: I will always remember Screamin' Jay Hawkins one of the founding fathers of rock & roll. I had his 45rpm of "I put a spell on you, cause your mine"!! Somehow it got lost and John Fogerty revived it. I remember how Jay came out of a coffin singing that song! I'm a 50s Kid and will always be. Whever you are Jay I'll look you up in the next life!

Date: 01/30/00 20:15:23
Name: The Ancient One - -

Date: 01/27/00 17:48:13
Name: jorge F.monteserin -
Comments: Screaming jay hawkins es un puto genio y no hay nadie equiparable a el ni por asomo.Tiene una de las voces mas personales e impresionantes que he oido en mi vida.Si no entendeis el español lo siento pero tambien teneis que aprender otros idiomas que no sen el ingles al igual que yo me esfuerzo en aprender vuestra lengua.

Date: 01/24/00 12:11:11
Name: François et Michèle -
Comments: We are looking forward to meet you, Screaming Jay Hawkins ! We've walked all through Levallois Perret, but we couldn't find you. We'd like you to come in Arras, where we live.

Date: 01/19/00 14:13:53
Name: lakisha
Comments: you need a little more stuff on the site but its okay thans alots

Date: 01/15/00 03:42:26
Name: Doug Blake -
Comments: Screamin' Jay is the coolest, the all time coolest

Date: 12/26/99 04:26:19
Name: Ric - -
Comments: I had read about the music of Screamin Jay (1975) before I ever heard it. After I bought the single of "SPELL", I vowed to collect everything Jay had ever done. Now, 25 years later, I have an enormous collection of his material - some very rare stuff, of which I am very proud. I had the pleasure of meeting Jay in person when he toured here in Australia in the late eighties - even got a couple of my albums signed - we spoke about a number of subjects for just over one hour. The man himself in a gent leman, cultured, sophisticated and very eloquent. He a great entertainer, and a solid gold original in a world of bullsh*t clones.

Date: 12/21/99 23:11:57
Name: Rick Seibert -
Comments: Boy howdy, this is one of the best sites I've stumbled across in a while...."Stone Crazy" has always been one of my favorite Screamin' Jay songs, although it's hard to beat "The Whammy" and even harder to believe that the latter wasn't a hit!

Date: 11/26/99 03:00:25
Comments: D00 i cant believe it .. i found the hoodoo god
sup doo

Date: 11/17/99 23:16:19
Name: george & carla -
Comments: GREAT PAGE, Mike your page was the only page so far that had a midi clip if you want to really spice up the page let's upload the song (I PUT A SPELL ON YOU) if possible TO THE THE OPENING PAGE.
P.S. my MOM and Aunts use to play his music at the juk joints when i was a kid very nice work. uga uga (THANKS)

Date: 11/16/99 11:37:53
Name: Tony Borgosano - -
Comments: Nice to see a page dedicated to Screamin' Jay. I have added your site to my Links page.

Date: 11/11/99 04:37:44
Name: Bernhardt Geyer -
Comments: eat my balls screamin jay

Date: 11/09/99 18:48:19
Name: rick seibert -
Comments: I gotta say, one of my proudest accomplishments is turnin' my buddy Lucky McDaniel onto the squalid splendor that is Screamin' Jay.

Date: 10/26/99 11:39:45
Comments: El griton Jay ha escupido sobre mi, ya no me voy a lavar NUNCA!!!!

Date: 10/08/99 23:25:48
Name: harry -
Comments: I do have the original 45rpm record of "I Put A Spell On You" in my collection. If I recall it's on the Okeh label. The Okeh label is now owned by Sony Records.

Date: 09/29/99 03:24:14

Date: 09/22/99 17:50:18
Name: "all the good names were taken" smith
Comments: the inter-galactic war has been won.

Date: 09/22/99 03:39:54
Name: Dennis & Debby Dennison -
Comments: We love you Jay! Inspiration is an understatement! Besides your version, the best cover was Nina Simone doin I Put a Spell on You. We wish you well. Love, D&D

Date: 09/20/99 04:42:32
Name: Steve -;amp;lt;br> Comments: Thanks. Could not have gone to sleep tonight were it not for your sight. Steve

Date: 09/17/99 19:13:55
Name: Chris -
Comments: In search of BOOKS in which I can read more about Screamin' Jay Hawkins. Anyone know of any? Please email.....

Date: 09/15/99 23:21:29
Name: Philippe E. Marmara -
Comments: Hello, HELP!!!
I just drank so much Coca-Cola
that I feel full with gas
and I could surely play pianola
and the "Constipation Blues" with my ass!
Au revoir!

Date: 09/11/99 04:03:17
Name: Jim Boggess (Dino) -
Comments: A good friend from the past. Hawaii A young white kid in the navy meets the first black man he ever knew. I just got out of seal training school I met Pat and Jay my roommate was closer to Pat than I was. Well any way I have all way thought of Jay as a friend!

Date: 08/05/99 16:43:38
Name: josie -
Comments: If you know this kind of feelings you have when you're addicted by your own obsession; What I mean is a really pathological way to love or need someone one - a Passion stronger than love with someone in harmony ... "I Put A Spell on You" is the (only) authentic musical expression for these kinds of emotional nightmares!

Date: 07/11/99 18:12:30
Name: Buddy Blue - -
Comments: Just found this site while surfing. Nice job! God bless Screamin' Jay. Hey, where is he these days anyway? Haven't seen or heard hide nor hair of him since recording "Something' Funny" a few years ago...

Date: 07/07/99 16:17:44
Name: Screamin' Jay Jr. -
Comments: Woooeeeee! I like that version of I put a spell on you. Which is it??? Screamin' is the best!!!

Date: 06/09/99 08:45:51
Name: Rachel Klein -
Comments: We here in Hawaii are making an attempt to contact Jay Hawkins. His daughter misses him and is interested in getting in touch, please, anyone with any helpful information please e-mail me at Thank you.

Date: 06/05/99 17:19:41
Name: Óllie -
Comments: Still a fan!! Sorry- I'm drunk. Nevertheless: Greetings & best wishes for you !! Ollie.

Date: 05/30/99 16:30:43
Name: Steve Harris -
Comments: One of the best ever. I really enjoy all his music.

Date: 05/29/99 20:29:54
Name: Robert Hawkins -
Comments: I'd just like to say, I really miss my great grandaddy, Screamin J...... He put a curse on me!!!!

Date: 05/21/99 11:40:02
Name: rita lawrence -
Comments: a fan for years!

Date: 05/20/99 19:43:55
Name: Marc - -
Comments: Great page, I just finished recording 3 albums from Jay to CD and since the sleeves are a bit large to scan, I thought I'd steal some of this page. I really like the moving gif on the index page.
Keep up the good work !! I WILL VISIT AGAIN.

Date: 05/18/99 03:06:41
Name: peter "bug" reinert -
Comments: always loved screamin' jay!! constipation blues is the greatest recording of all time. glad to see that there's a web site for him.

Date: 05/17/99 19:16:43
Name: kent h -
Comments: great page for the voodoo lover, keep on screamin'
with the black hawk the white one is retired
rockin' ronnie
go canada go

Date: 05/16/99 21:32:31
Name: Andrea!!! -
Comments: Grande Screamin'!!!!

Date: 05/09/99 21:00:41
Name: d.v.harry
Comments: Nice picture.

Date: 05/08/99 20:33:05
Name: mike dakan -
Comments: where can i find out more about screaming jay
mike dakan

Date: 04/25/99 13:27:54
Name: Bert
Comments: Nice to see that there are still people outta here who know what a good voice has to sound like.
"I hung him up on a flagbone with a sign: don't mess with screming Jay"

Date: 04/20/99 19:06:33
Comments: oh yeah dat screamin demon is on da looooooose

Date: 04/18/99 00:54:54
Name: Dave B -
Comments: Trying to find SJH's record "I don't know why I love you but I do". Do you know where I can find?

Date: 04/08/99 23:31:35
Name: Steve -
Comments: Screamin' Jay is my role model in life.

Date: 04/05/99 23:33:47
Name: Jorge -
Comments: I have been a fan of Screamin' Jay ever since I was a kid in junior high. I got to see Jay at the now defunct Palomino club in N.Hollywood in '91. He now lives in France and the last time he was in the States was in '97 to play the Chicago Blues Festival. I hope to see him return one day... Long live the original WILD MAN!!!

Date: 03/31/99 23:01:14
Name: paul
Comments: cooool dude...

Date: 03/25/99 23:47:41
Name: king david -
Comments: Cyfareddol! but wappen to the version that goes:
"put a curse on you
turn all yo chil'ren
into junkies too"

Date: 03/23/99 23:23:17
Name: buddha -
Comments: I love his works and I love his musicstyle

Date: 03/19/99 06:52:04
Name: larry klickstein -
Comments: Would love to see him play in Los Angeles. Please inform me if he will be appearing here. Thanks, Larry

Date: 03/13/99 01:27:44
Name: Tickety BOO -

Date: 03/12/99 08:03:06

Date: 02/28/99 05:36:21
Name: ROZCO!!!!!! -
Comments: Being a huge OZZY OSBOURNE and BLACK SABBATH fan, I feel it is about time someone pays respect to the true creator of shock rock. Thank You for begining the process!!!!!!

Date: 02/17/99 04:13:56
Name: volker - -
Comments: Great GIF! Please come visit me at
Best regards,

Date: 02/14/99 22:17:07
Name: Brian Cohen - -
Comments: Hawkins is one of my all time favorites! It's great to find a page on the web dedicated to him, there are so few.

Date: 02/11/99 06:20:42
Name: Deanna Fogg -
Comments: Simply Delicious

Date: 01/21/99 11:20:40
Name: Cameron Mckechnie - -
Comments: She danced my heart
She danced my soul
She loved me four times that night
She danced with the passion of voodoo priestess
I know She was allllrriiggghhhht!
Be my Ice Cream man............

Date: 01/15/99 09:42:37
Name: kb
Comments: echt spitze deine seite!!!!