1972 movie "Trop jolies pour être honnête"

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1972 Trop jolies pour être honnête 95 min. FR:
??: International Home Video [Video] spoken in English
Scenario Catherine Carone. - Dialogues: Guy Grosso
Direction Richard Balducci
Cast Jane Birkin (Christine), Daniel Ceccaldi, Serge Gainsbourg, Bernadette Lafont (Bernadette), Élisabeth Wiener (Frédérique)
Music Serge Gainsbourg
Synopsis Quatre copines en vacances a Nice assistent a un hold up. Le fiance de l'une d'elle lui ayant offert un telescope, elles epient leurs voisins d'en face, les detrousseurs de banques. Elles vont chercher un moyen de leur derober leur butin...
Synopsis Four very pretty girls who share an apartment on the French Riviera witness a bank robbery. The next day through the window of a nearby villa, they see a man handling large amounts of money and conclude that he's the robber. Since stealing from a thief isn't really stealing, they decide to rob the robber.