1962 movie "La furia di Ercole"

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Premiere Movie title Length Distribution
1962 La furia di Ercole min. IT:
1962 Hercule se déchaîne 93 min. FR:
The fury of Hercules ??: GoodTimes Entertainment [Video]
Direction Gianfranco Parolini
Cast Mara Berni, Brigitte Corey, Brad Harris, Serge Gainsbourg (Menistus), Carlo Tamberlani
Music Carlo Innocenzi
Synopsis Hercule, mi-Dieu, mi-homme, parcourt le monde antique pour detruire le mal et faire regner la justice. Au royaume d'Arpad, il rencontre la Princesse Knydia, qui s'entoure d'un conseiller hideux voulant s'approprier le pouvoir et qui se nomme Mevisto.

Synopsis (en anglais): The son of Zeus must wrestle with the forces of evil on a visit to old friends. Hercules is surprised to find things radically changed, his friends have disappeared and the majestic Queen Comidia has come under the spell of a traitorous new counsellor. He is dedicated to restoring the rightful and just government.
